The Financial Secretary is responsible under the Public Finance Ordinance for laying before the Legislative Council each year the Government's estimates of revenue and expenditure. 财政司司长负责根据《公共财政条例》,每年向立法会提交政府的收支预算案。
He pointed to analyst estimates of a 33.4 per cent increase in revenue in the first three quarters, although declined to give revenue numbers that were still being audited. 他提到,有分析师估计中兴通讯去年前三季度营收增长33.4%,但拒绝透露仍在接受审计的营收数字。
Summary of estimates of net revenue by programme and programme component: estimates of net revenue; 按方案和方案构成部分开列的收入净额概算简表:收入净额概算;